MARWA Reserves Group Take Advantage Of JAY's Flying Car Project

August 13, 2009
Wanting to build a Mass Green Flying VTOL Car is no easy feat devoid of internal funding- it's a road less travelled and a lonely highway to fly.

See the video Flying Car Project poem I wrote about it for pursuit of its Fundraising:

So, I took the opportunity of MARWA RG's Services propechizing a no collateral and no upfront fee loan. They approved me of a US$300K loan and understandably I need to pay Clearance Fee around 2, 105 Euros for my fund transfer. But as the sayings go- what is to good to be true, most often are untrue. So I end- up being ushered into another money-asking scheme for alleged taxes which you cannot cope with and end up forfeiting your payment as they won't allow cancelling your loan- late tracing of their mails showed IP addresses from Nigeria and the US and further verification with their Postbank-ING Bank Accounts proved that they're not even connected to the real bank and hey confirmed that MARWA Reserves Group are nothing but Advance Fee Fraudster. So they're indeed Scammers.

More details here of MARWA scammy schemes: ZyberDon


July 24, 2009
Welcome! There's a battle ahead... many balls will be lost and one of them will be this group:

MARWA RESERVES GROUP  headed by alleged Chairman and Mastermind AL-Jarwan Mohammad Alim,
are posing as an Arab Lending Firm based in Liverpool, United Kingdom. They do have an admirable profile and well established claimed partners that will really entice people to believe them. They are well entrenched in the business :: Alibaba , High Dubai, social and ad networking sites:: Konnects (where I get to...
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About Me

June A. Yasol June A. Yasol aka ZyberDon is a Mechanical Engineer by education, a City Alternative Energy Consultant by occupation, a Wind/Solar Hybrid Power Streetlight Contractor by vocation, a Water to Oxy-Hydrogen Gas Fabricator by insertion, an Internet Marketer by affiliation, a Website Operator by inclination and a Rocker, Painter, Writer-Blogger, Poet, Movie Maker & Sportsman by hallucination. He was into his JAY Green Flying VTOL Car and BlackGold Warrior Oxy-Hydrogen FuelBooster Design and Building by intention to join NASA-CAFE's Green Flight Challenge and VIRGIN's Earth Challenge, when he was duped by Marwa Reserves Group Lending Scam in an Advance Fee Fraud of 2,105 Euros in his effort for fundraising. Now other than Car Flying he's into Scam Blogging and Scammer Cyberfighting. Still hoping for light at the end of the tunnel, in the future ZyberDon plans to fly a car around the Tropics of Cancer. Site built: 25 July 2009

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